5 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis on Multiple Device Connections of Small Office Home Office Network

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    تم دعم ماليزيا من خلال إحدى اتصالات الإنترنت عالية السرعة بالألياف والتي تسمى TM UniFi. TM UniFi مألوف جدًا لاستخدامه كوسيلة لتطبيق مفهوم Small Office Home Office (SOHO)  بسبب وباء COVID-19. يقدم معظم بائعي الاتصالات مجموعة متنوعة من خدمات الشبكة لتلبية احتياجات العملاء ورضاهم أثناء الوباء. يستفسر معظم المستخدمين عن جودة الخدمات من خلال حقيقة زيادة المستخدمين من وقت لآخر. لذلك ، من الأهمية بمكان معرفة أداء الشبكة على عكس عدد الأجهزة المتصلة بشبكة TM UniFi. الهدف الرئيسي من هذا البحث هو تحليل أداء TM UniFi مع تأثير اتصالات الأجهزة المتعددة أو خدمات المستخدمين. أجريت الدراسة لتحليل جودة الخدمة (QoS) على حركة البيانات ، ونقل الحزم ، و RTT ، والكمون ، والإنتاجية. تم استخدام برنامج محاكاة Wireshark كالتقاط لحركة مرور الشبكة حيث تم تحليل ملفات PCAP باستخدام محلل PCAP لـ Splunk. تم تمكين تصفية حركة المرور لالتقاط حركة المرور المحددة لقياس أداء الشبكة. تظهر النتيجة أنه يمكن تحقيق أداء أفضل للشبكة إذا تم توصيل عدد أقل من الأجهزة في نفس الوقت. تزداد النسبة المئوية لفقدان الحزم و RTT ووقت الاستجابة عند اتصال المزيد من المستخدمين في نفس الوقت. يُظهر معدل النقل أيضًا انخفاضًا في الاتصالات متعددة الأجهزة. بناءً على التحليل ، يمكن استنتاج أن TM UniFi لا يزال بإمكانها توفير خدمات شبكة جيدة لبيئة شبكة SOHO وعرض نطاق ترددي كافٍ على الرغم من النمو السريع للمستخدمين في ماليزيا.Malaysia has been supported by one of the high-speed fiber internet connections called TM UniFi. TM UniFi is very familiar to be used as a medium to apply Small Office Home Office (SOHO) concept due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the communication vendors offer varieties of network services to fulfill customers' needs and satisfaction during the pandemic. Quality of Services is queried by most users by the fact of increased on users from time to time. Therefore, it is crucial to know the network performance contrary to the number of devices connected to the TM UniFi network. The main objective of this research is to analyze TM UniFi performance with the impact of multiple device connections or users' services. The study was conducted to analyze the QoS on its traffic, packets transfer, RTT, latency, and throughput. Wireshark simulation program has been used as a network traffic capture where PCAP files have been analyzed by using PCAP Analyzer for Splunk. Traffic filtering has been enabled to capture selected traffic to measure network performance. The result shows that better network performance can be achieved if a smaller number of devices are connected at the same time.  The percentage of packet loss, RTT, latency is increased when more users connected at the same time. The throughput also shows a decrease for multi-device connections. Based on the analysis it can be concluded that TM UniFi still can provide good network services for the SOHO network environment and sufficient bandwidth despite the rapid user growth in Malaysia

    A Comparative Analysis of Packet Fragmentation with MPLS Unicast IP Routing and OSPF in an IP-based Network

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    Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is acknowledged and widely used to overcome drawbacks in traditional Internet Protocol (IP) routing. This paper presents network performance on the effect of packet fragmentation over IP and MPLS networks. Performance analysis on Windows XP is evaluated which tested in an environment using GNS3 which emulates on real environment telecommunication network. Network performance observed on Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) with and without MPLS label implementation accompanied by combination of different data sizes and different Maximum Transfer Units (MTUs). Round-Trip-Time (RTT) is calculated on throughput and packet loss. Results present an analysis performance on different protocols, data sizes and produced MTUs. OSPF provides better RTT and throughput compared to MPLS with default MTU setting. Better RTT and calculated throughput performance is obtained by increasing the MTU for interface, IP and MPLS. RTT for MPLS is slightly higher due to the introduction of label to each packet send. Packet loss behavior is similar in both OSPF and MPLS which more visible when fragmentation happened. This study concludes that upon packet fragmentation, performances are degrade

    Virtual Routing and Forwarding-lite Traffic Management over Multi-protocol Layer Switching-Virtual Private Network

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    Quality of Services in Multi-protocol layer switching for Virtual Private Network (MPLS-VPN) is one of important matter today. These networks experienced an increase of bandwidth size for enterprises LAN which are faster than the increased of bandwidth at WAN link. Thus, line speed is disparity and bottleneck is occurred at the link between WAN and LAN due to the unparalleled increase of bandwidth between these links. This paper presents a study of MPLS-VPN architecture and how to encounter the congestions problem by simulating traffic management on the path diversity and load balance using VRF-lite technique at enterprises MPLS-VPN. A test bed is set up and real enterprise MPLS-VPN network for traffic management is simulated. VRF-Lite traffic management is applied at identified two WAN headquarters and three branch network. WAN and LAN link is identified on primary and secondary network link. VRF-lite is used to overcome the bottle neck at the Branch WAN-LAN link and also to fully utilize all available links at the other sites. Adaptive traffic management is set where if it is identified that other link is not congested than traffic will pass through the link. Result presents analyzed of throughput and bandwidth utilization percentage on all identified links using ftp and http applications. Successful results present that all links at HQ and Branch is being utilized and the congestion at the Branch WAN-LAN link is avoided

    Video Traffic Modeling using Kolmogorov Smirnov Analysis in Broadband Network

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    Video Traffic utilization is one of the major issues for Quality of Service (QoS) for network traffic especially in broadband network. Most network administrators are looking at providing best QoS and reliable traffic performances especially on video traffic. Analysis on recent trend and modeling video traffic activity is a crucial task in providing better bandwidth usage. This research presents an analysis on video network traffic in a Broadband Network in Malaysia. Real data from a telecommunications service company based for Business and Home network are collected. Traffic characterization is analyzed and new traffic parameters and model are presented. Goodness of fit (GoF) and Kolmogorov Smirnov (KS) test is used to fit the real traffic in getting the best Traffic distribution model. Results present four top video used in the network traffic which are You Tube, MPEG, TV on Streamyx and Dailymotion using standard video protocol. Fitted traffics presents Pareto model is best fitted on video traffic. Generalized Pareto (GP) with Empirical Cumulative Distribution function (CDF) distribution is identified as the best distribution model. The fitted Generalized Pareto model was identified based on lower Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) value and higher probability value (p-value). Test statistics for four particular distribution results at 5% level significance. GP characterization presents three important parameters which are shape, scale and location. A new mathematical formulation is derived based on control parameters gathered for future rate limiting algorithm